The Great Frame Up gift cards are the perfect gift for EVERYONE on your list! Recent graduates, new homeowners, new parents, best friends… the list is endless (just like our framing options)! Please visit us or click here for details.


Shop Local

Did you know that The Great Frame Up is a locally owned and operated small business? That’s right! While we are a part of a franchise system, our store is owned, operated and managed by people right from within your hometown. That means you will see the same friendly faces each and every time you stop into our store. It also means that we care (a lot!) about our local community and we want to make it a great place to live and work.

We can make your home a beautifully decorated place to live…and we can also make your community a great place to live – all with your help.

Stop into our store anytime to say hi. We’d love to see you!


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